on_education was born out of a nagging feeling of discomfort with the present culture of debate. Education is a highly controversial and contested issue, but enduring conflict and political debate, it seems, are not always cherished virtues in academia. We offer a space for taking positions – and are convinced that positioning opens up a space ’beyond’ academic research. We wish to push the established boundaries between quantitative and qualitative schools of thought, micro and macro approaches, theoretical and empirical research – and stimulate new, possibly surprising alignments. We do not yet know what exactly we are helping to create with on_education – but are attracted by the ambiguity and indeterminacy of it all. We hope that our readers will be as open-minded, committed and curious as we are!
Education is a highly controversial issue that touches on and permeates almost all aspects of life in modern societies. on_education aims to stimulate public and academic debate on the theory and practice of education. As a freely accessible online journal, it provides a forum for the international research community, as well as for the broader public. By bringing together scholars, journalists, bloggers, politicians, and practitioners, on_education should help to advance the notion of building bridges that challenge established divisions and break up “echo chambers”. on_education offers a publicly visible and accessible discursive space in which representatives of divergent schools of thought, methodological approaches, and political perspectives, can engage in constructive debates on educational topics.
on_education publishes three issues a year. Each issue focuses on one topic of current interest and contains between five and seven short essays or opinion pieces by invited contributors. An editorial provides an overview of the issue and an introduction to the debate in question. To facilitate the discussion, readers will be able to participate by commenting on the contributions. The editorial team reserves the right to reject comments.