Call for Papers: Philosophy and Childhood
13-14 July 2017, University of Salzburg, Austria
Keynote Speakers:S. Matthew Liao (New York)
Amy Mullin (Toronto)
Adam Swift (Warwick)
While neglected for a long time, the moral and political status of children has aroused considerable attention in the last years. Philosophers are increasingly interested in the challenges children and childhood pose for ethical theories and the normative concepts suitable for grasping the special situation of children. Children’s rights, the well-being of children, the place of children in theories of justice and the value of childhood have been discussed extensively and there is a vivid debate on issues like educational justice and the family as the central institution for childrearing. Still, there are many controversies going on which need further examination, e.g. regarding the vulnerability of children, their agency, the nature of childhood and the implications different phases of childhood have for the normative status of the child, e.g. when considering the autonomy and rights of teenagers. In addition there is the question on what ethical theories can contribute to the evaluation and improvement of dangers children are facing currently, like child poverty, obesity or the economization of childhood.
This conference wants to bring together philosophers and interested scholars from other disciplines working on these and related subjects. It aims to be a forum for the most recent developments in philosophy and childhood. Submissions are welcome from all fields of philosophy where the moral and political status of children is discussed: social and political philosophy, philosophy of law, medical ethics, philosophy of education, applied ethics etc.
The Organizing Committee invites the submission of abstracts for single papers and thematic panels on all topics of philosophy and childhood.
Please submit an abstract of 350 words ready for blind review using the submission form on the conference homepage: www.philosophy-childhood.org.
The deadline for submissions is 28 February 2017, notifications will be sent out approximately three weeks after this deadline. If you run into any troubles with your submission please email the organizers: gunter.graf[a]sbg.ac.at
This conference is organized jointly by the Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research, University of Salzburg, and the Chair of Philosophy V, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich.
This conference is organized as part of the research project "Social Justice and Child Poverty", funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P26480: www.child-poverty.org
Alex Bagattini (Munich)
Monika Betzler (Munich)
Mar Cabezas (Salzburg)
Gunter Graf (Salzburg)
Gottfried Schweiger (Salzburg)