Hier der Link: http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/465482
Das Inhaltsverzeichnis:
Introduction: Conceptualizing Children’s Well-Being
Gunter Graf & Gottfried Schweiger
Section 1: Theories and Concepts of Children's Well-Being
Conceptions of Childhood, Agency and the Well-Being of Children
Gunter Graf
Does Welfare Trump Freedom? A Normative Evaluation of Contextualism about how to Promote Welfare
Tatjana Višak
Keeping them in Mind
Tim Moore
The Developmental Capability Model of Child Well-Being
Bill Gardner
Justice and Children's Well-Being and Well-Becoming
Gottfried Schweiger
Section 2: Children's Well-Being in Practice
Conceptualising Child versus Adult Well-Being: Schooling and Employment
Amy Clair
Male Circumcision and Children’s Interests
Alexander Bagattini
Children’s Mental Well-Being and Education
Mar Cabezas
Will Children of Social Care Services Users be Future Users? Results of a Pilot Research in Rome
Matteo D’Emilione, Giovannina Giuliano & Paloma Vivaldi Vera
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